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Hey Haumi! Kia kaha te reo Māori

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Nau mai and welcome to A:M Clothes! 

We are proud to use our clothing line to empower people to use Te Reo Māori and to celebrate the unique and special language of Aotearoa on the daily!  

Ko wai māua / Who are we? 

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Ko Te Arawa te iwi

Ko Te Arawa te waka

Ko Ngāti Whakaue te hapū

Ko Ngongotahā te maunga

Ko te Rotorua-nui-a-Kahumatamomoe te moana

Ko Te Kuirau te marae

Ko Te Roro o te rangi te tipuna

Nō Rotorua māua


Kia ora!

We are sisters Ariana and Maia (aka A:M).

We originally hail from Rotorua but now reside in Tauranga and Ōhope with our whānau/families. 

We started A:M as we wanted to see more Māori clothing lines and contribute in this small way to normalising

and promoting Te Reo Māori. 


We also wanted our tamariki to not only hear, but see our reo around them, and what better way than on the

kākahu we wear every day!  "You can't be what you can't see" and so our kākahu

Te Reo Māori is unique to Aotearoa and we should celebrate it always! 

Thank you so much for your tautoko/support - we appreciate you! 

He taonga te reo

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Nicola, QLD Australia 

“I just wanted to thank you for my order of two ladies singlets. Beautiful fabric and we feel very special wearing them. Arohanui, Nicola."
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Ngā mihi! We will get back to you soon!

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